Download and Install

 Click to download the Zip file from our G drive. The file size is about 700M. Please be patient when downloading.

 Unzip the downloaded file on your local drive and then navigate to the PageWise.V2 folder.

 Please take a look at the ReadMe.docx to learn how to use our app.

 Run main.exe to start organizing your directories.

 Enjoy using our app and feel free to send us your feedback.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does PageWise address misclassification?


PageWise’s categorization results are shown with confidence levels to help users better understand the outcome and provide guidance where additional quality control may be needed to avoid misclassification. 

- 75% - 100%: High confidence in accuracy

- 50% - 75% : Medium

- Less than 50%: Low confidence in accuracy

Besides providing the confidence level, sharing feedback will be enabled in future iterations so the development team can gather data and other information to continue to improve the user experience. 

How would PageWise update for various privacy laws and regulations?

Answer:  PageWise is a desktop application that runs locally in users’ operating systems. The current version does not support data sharing with the developers or other parties. Therefore, privacy laws and regulations may not impact the use and operation of the current version.   

How does PageWise keep up with changing documents or handle ​documents with multiple versions?

Answer:  PageWise aims to identify document types, therefore, versions do not impact the operation or the performance of the tool. If there are two versions of the same document, PageWise may yield the same classification result as long as the content is not drastically different. In addition, users will be able to see file creation dates in the user interface, which could be used to identify different versions of the same document. 

What document types can PageWise can identify and how were they chosen to be built into the model?

Answer: Currently, PageWise can identify 10 types of documents including Resume, E-mail, Letter, Functional specification, Invoice, News Article, Memo, Scientific publication, Budget, Presentation, Handwritten Note and Advertisement. In the model building process, we started with over 16 document types of commonly used documents in a business environment. Based on the availability and the quality of the training data, we reduced the number of document types to 10 to ensure the predictability of the model. 

How representative is the training dataset? What's the generalizability of PageWise?

Answer: Although we used a variety of data sources, we understand that document types could highly vary by industry and organization. One of our monetization opportunities is to provide technology implementation services to tailor the solution based on different organizations’ needs. 

What are the monetization opportunities?

Answer: PageWise could be purchased through a one-time license or subscription-based license. In addition, we provide technology implementation services and data strategy consulting services to customize the solution to tackle the unique challenges in different organizations. 

What makes PageWise stand out in competition?

Answer: Most of the current competitors heavily focus on data extraction. Document organization tools are almost a white space in the productivity software field.